A Note from the Artistic Director

Fiona Mongillo

Artistic Director

I am over the moon to be announcing our 2022 season – our third full season, but our very first indoors. 

The unifying theme of this season’s shows is embracing the darkness to move towards the light - with bravery, honesty, radical self-acceptance and laughter. These productions grapple with the muck – the difficult and dark – and seem to be taking a big collective breath and leaping, eyes open, into hard conversations with disarming boldness. There seems to be a need to push beyond the discomfort and to find each other again - to find our way back to love through seeing the humanity in one another. And naturally, with this discomfort comes the need for laughter, which is why these plays are all so damn funny.  

We are incredibly grateful to be welcomed into the historic Falstaff Family Centre this season. We will be transforming the beautiful ‘community room’ space into an intimate theatre, where we plan to create some quiet alchemy (we are so excited about the possibility of blackouts!). As we make this move indoors, we are carrying forward the raw, bare-bones aesthetic that has become a signature of our company’s productions and will continue to focus on highly imaginative, hide-nothing storytelling.

With all the pressure, fear and anger that has been present for so many over the last couple of years, our aim this season is to stay fiercely playful, curious and to keep our hearts wide open. Oh, and to take some risks too. 

A huge thank you to those who have supported our little engine that could over the last two seasons and we hope to see you again this summer! 

Fiona Mongillo