VENUE 2025
VENUE 2025
Yes, it’s true. Here For Now will build a gorgeous little black-box theatre right in downtown Stratford. And we need your help to do it. But more on that later.
We’ve been dreaming of a permanent indoor home forever. After all, despite how much we all love the tent, we can’t keep asking you to brave everything from rain to mud to mosquitoes.
So when we heard the old registry office building was to be torn down, we had a hunch. And when our fearless artistic directorviewed the building, she knew immediately this was the place.
And then a weird sort of magic happened. Everyone agreed! The county was thrilled they wouldn’t have to destroy a beautiful heritage building. Town council was ecstatic Stratford would have a new community performance space. And when we asked Federal and Provincial governments for help, both said yes.
Many of you said yes, too! A number of generous supporters have already stepped forward to help with the fundraising campaign we’ll be launching shortly. We are so grateful. Stay tuned for details on how YOU can help make this dream come true!
gallery from groundbreaking ceremony
-YES, the new space will be just as intimate as the tent. The house will hold 65 seats in three raked rows, so you’ll never be more than a few feet away from our performers.
- YES, we will keep the tent. We’ll use it when we programspecial shows that call for outdoor settings. We’ll let you know where the tent will be housed once we nail this down.
- YES, we will expand to a year-round season. You’ll be taking in exciting theatre during Stratford’s cozy falls and winters!
- The new building will also give us rehearsal and workshopping space so we can develop more exciting new plays for you.
- YES, we will make the space available to other local arts groups. This means the new theatre will fill a long-existing gap for accessible and affordable community performance space in Stratford.
- The new theatre will be wheelchair accessible, as will the lobby and washroom areas.
- Construction begins this September, with a planned completion date of late spring/early summer 2025, in time for our sixth season.
- Our project manager is Andy Bicanic, and our architect is Jeff Atchison of SRM Architects + Urban Designers (SRM). Both are Stratford locals and know it (and you) well.
- YES, your government is helping! Our government partners include:
-Government of Canada
▪ Canadian Cultural Spaces Fund
▪ Tourism Growth Program, delivered by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)
- Province of Ontario
▪ Rural Economic Development Fund
- We have raised $1 million so far (thank you, supporters!!), but still need to raise $300K.
- We’ll be launching a fundraising campaign shortly to raise this money. Please join us in making YOUR new theatre a reality!
Can’t wait? Get in touch right now to find out how you can help.
Until then, here’s the plan:
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness.